Disaster Blues

Paperback: 220 pages; Publisher: Barncott Press, UK (May 2017); Language: English

Now available online the new novel by Francis Kuipers, Disaster Blues. Set in Italy during the late 1970’s and early 80’s, it conjures up the unique charm and heart of the folk/pop music scene at that time.

Disaster blues Ph Paolo Torella

Disaster Blues

Paperback: 220 pages; Publisher: Barncott Press UK (May 2017); Language: English

Now available online the new novel by Francis Kuipers, Disaster Blues. Set in Italy during the late 1970’s and early 80’s, it conjures up the unique charm and heart of the folk/pop music scene at that time.

Articles and prose by Francis Kuipers have been published by Klat (Holland) Ambit (Britain), Autrements (France), and La Mandragora, Avvenimenti and Juliet (Italy).


Fiction stories

Toscane Toscane, dirigé par Ornella Tondini
Published by: Autrements Revue

Le «Tombarolo», le «Rompitore» et le Rêve Étrusque

Toscane Toscane, dirigé par Ornella Tondini Published by: Autrements Revue
Excerpt. Published in Ambit 133, 1993

Celebrance of Pity

Excerpt. Published in Ambit 133, 1993
With illustrations by Russell Carlisle
Attaman Press, London

Makè Makè

With illustrations by Russell Carlisle Attaman Press, London


Interview with Francis Kuipers, published by BZ, Bolzano, 1999

Una società senza orecchie

Interview with Francis Kuipers, published by BZ, Bolzano, 1999
Published in Juliet n.87, 1998

Un futuro senza orecchie

Published in Juliet n.87, 1998

Other writings

A Society Without Ears
Interview with Francis Kuipers, published by BZ, Bolzano, 1999

Il Tombarolo, il Rompitore e il Sogno Etrusco
Toscana Toscana, published by La Mandragora, Firenze.

Harold mi offrì una sangrilla
Published in Folkstudio Story by Dario Salvatori, Studio Forma, Torino, 1981